About Us

Stats & Facts

Find out the breadth, reach and impact of our work.

Our mission is to break down barriers to accessing creativity. We work with communities where it’s hard to get involved in the arts. We work with people who are overlooked by the arts sector because of who they are or where they live. We work with artists – whether professional or not – who might otherwise miss out on opportunities.

To make sure we’re reaching the right people, we use statistics to keep track of our programme’s breadth, reach and impact. This page contains a selection of those statistics. Elsewhere on the site, you’ll find the stories behind the numbers. Hopefully this gives you a quick overview of the work we do.

April 2023 - March 2024

61k Exhibition audiences for the Window Gallery

167 Creative workshops

915 Young children and their grown-ups at Hoopla!

34% of participants lived in the most deprived communities in England

2112 Workshop attendances

43 Freelance artists employed

1 in 3 Artists employed were deaf or disabled

48k People enjoyed our outdoor performances

30% of our attendances were by disabled people

463 Artists supported

April 2022 - March 2023

99% Of audience members said our events were good or very good

1 in 6 Artists employed were deaf or disabled

262 Creative workshops

134 Artists supported

4 Mini-festivals in St Ann’s, Aspley, Bulwell and Hyson Green

34% Reduction in carbon emissions

40 Freelance artists employed

1902 Workshop attendances

57k Exhibition audiences for the Window Gallery

50% of staff from traditionally working class backgrounds

April 2021 - March 2022

5 Emerging artists showcased at Nottingham Puppet Festival

1 in 5 Artists we employed identify as deaf or disabled

9 Cystic fibrosis patients collaborating with artists

1097 Workshop attendances

69 Artists employed

433 Hours of workshops

250 Art packs for people experiencing isolation

150 Art packs for refugee families

April 2020 - March 2021

5 Podcasts celebrating black creatives in Nottingham

106 Workshops

70+ Artists supported

28 COVID-safe doorstep puppet shows

13 Bronze Arts Awards for our young participants

1109 Workshop attendances