Much of our work has only been possible because of the partnerships we have had. We’ve partnered with artists, communities, local authorities and organisations within and beyond the arts sector.
Working with partners has allowed us to run ambitious large-scale projects. It’s helped us reach new people and unlock new funding. Find out how to get in touch below and let’s see how we can work together.
Upcoming opportunities for project work will be listed on our jobs page.
Are you planning your own project and want to discuss how we might support you? We might be able to help as a venue or rehearsal space, by providing project management expertise or by supporting a funding bid. Please get in touch at
Community Organisations
Want to talk about how City Arts can help to bring art and creativity into your community? Let us know at Please note that all of our work is funding-dependent. While we are happy to work with you to secure funding for new projects, we are limited in what we can contribute aside from our expertise.
Arts Organisations
We would love to discuss how we can help you connect with communities and include people in your work in meaningful ways. Get in touch at Please note that all of our work is funding-dependent. While we are happy to work with you to secure funding for new projects, we are limited in what we can contribute aside from our expertise.
Everyone Else
If you are passionate about creativity and art being accessible to all, we’re on the same side. Please consider signing up to our mailing list, volunteering with us, or donating money to support our work.