Support Us

The work we do to inspire creativity changes lives. We bring creativity into overlooked and undervalued communities. We offer opportunities for self-expression to people otherwise denied them. This is only possible with the kind support of our donors and funders. Your donation will directly support this work.

Heart shape drawn in light

One-off Donations

How your donation will help:

  • £5 pays for the art materials for a learning-disabled adult to take part in a Get Creative workshop
  • £14 pays to keep our building heated for a day so that vulnerable participants can visit us to take part in creative activity
  • £75 pays for one day of our Programme Assistant’s time, so we can make sure that everyone we work with has the support they need

We also welcome donations by cheque – payable to City Arts (Nottingham) Ltd and posted to City Arts, 11-13 Hockley, Nottingham, NG1 1FH.

Our Impact

Key Stats & Facts April 2023 - March 2024

1 in 3 Artists employed were deaf or disabled

61k Exhibition audiences for the Window Gallery

48k People enjoyed our outdoor performances

167 Creative workshops

See all stats & data

Legacy Giving

Leave a legacy of life-changing creativity by supporting our work.

If the work we do to make it possible for everyone to participate in art is meaningful to you, please consider remembering us in your will. We welcome legacy gifts of any amount. You can specify a fixed sum or a share of the total residue. Here are some example clauses you could include in your will:

Pecuniary Legacy

I leave to City Arts (Nottingham) Ltd of 11-13 Hockley, Nottingham NG1 1FH, Charity Registration Number 1106088 the sum of £ (to be completed) (amount in words) for its general purposes and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors.

Residuary Legacy

I leave to City Arts (Nottingham) Ltd of 11-13 Hockley, Nottingham NG1 1FH, Charity Registration Number 1106088 (proportion of residue to be completed) for its general purposes and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors.

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