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Get Creative

Weekly therapeutic art workshops for people who have been allocated 'Personal Budgets'

Get Creative Group Member

Weekly therapeutic art workshops aimed at people who have learning disabilities, mental health issues or are receiving other types of health care in the community.

At Get Creative people can work on their own art projects. They receive one-on-one support from artist Dominique Cunnington. We also have support volunteers to help out during sessions. The workshop leaders are skilled at adapting to people’s interests and needs.

People do all kinds of art: from painting and drawing, to print-making, textiles and sculpture. There are chances for workshop attendees to take part in exhibitions run by City Arts.

The workshops help to prevent social exclusion, and help participants manage their stress and anxiety. You don’t need to have any previous experience of making art.

Where and When

The workshops run every Tuesday from 10am – 1pm. There is a four-week break over Christmas and New Year. They take place at City Arts’ accessible venue in Nottingham city centre.

Find out more about accessing our venue.


These workshops are aimed at people who have ‘Personal Budgets’. Each 3-hour session costs £31.50. They include refreshments, art materials and occasional visits to cultural venues.

You can organise your own payments if you don’t have a personal budget.

People are expected to attend the workshop on a regular basis. You should give us a week’s notice before leaving the group.

What is a personal budget?

A Personal Budget is allocated by the local council. It is sometimes called Self-Directed Support. They are given to people over 18 years-old who are eligible for social care support. The system is designed to give people control over the support they receive.

Sadly, City Arts can’t help you apply for a personal budget. You need to talk to a support worker, care worker or another health worker.

How to join

Our ‘Get Creative’ sessions are currently full. Send us an email and we will get in touch if a space becomes available.

Please fill out the referral form below. Once we have received it we will get in touch with you to arrange a meeting between the referred person and the workshop leader. Following this we will invite them to attend a free taster session. If they would like to keep coming, we will sort out payment for the sessions.