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A flock of flapping feathered flush flamingos – coming to Nottingham Carnival 2019.
This summer City Arts is supporting artist Alison Denholm’s ‘Dancing Mobiles’ project. The project gives disabled and older people a chance to take part in parades.
Alison is working with a team of artists and designers to create a flock of giant Flamingos. The flamingos will be half puppet and half carnival float – built around shop-mobility scooters. They develop an idea that City Arts first devised with carnival company Can Samba.
Meander Theatre Company are helping to create the brightly colour birds. The company collaborates with people with learning disabilities. Normally appearing as actors, this project gives the group a chance to get hands-on experience of designing and making props for street theatre. It is the group’s first time taking part in carnival!
The Flamingo’s will debut at Nottingham Carnival. They will be part of City Arts and Can Samba’s ‘Flying Free’ carnival troupe. Members of Meander Theatre Company and TAG, a weekly artist’s support group at City Arts, will drive them. Later this year the puppets will appear at Luton Carnival and Skipton Puppet Festival.
Alison’s design for the birds is partly inspired by artist Judith Hope‘s course at Newcastle Puppetry Festival. She is also supported by puppeteer and performer Sean Myatt.
Lead Artist – Alison Denholm
Design Assistants – Izzy Hollis, Bryony Mcombie-Smith, Seonghye Corynne Cho
Supporting Artists – Jessica Kemp, Sarena Kay
Nottingham Carnival Music – Can Samba
Flamingo drivers – Meander Theatre Company and Thursday Art Group
Additional advice – Jenny Billings, Sean Myatt
Thanks to the shopmobility scooter team at the Intu Victoria Centre