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The Clay Transformations exhibition launched on the 13th April at the University of Nottingham’s Institute of Mental Health. It features a selection of incredible ceramic works created by mental health service users, artists and health & social care workers as part of a research project run in collaboration with City Arts.
In workshops led separately by two artists, Stephen Jon and Sandy Bywater, the Clay Transformations project investigated the therapeutic use of clay, trying to find out if working creatively with the material can support the recovery of people with mental health issues.
Artist Jo Welch, who attended the workshops, explained her reaction to the exhibition:
“I was very happy to see some of my work included in the final exhibition. It was heart-warming to exhibit as part of a group, and brought back the emotions, feelings of inclusion and connection with other participants that I experienced during the workshops.”
The exhibition will run until the 1st of May 2015.