Originally intended to run until the 7th January, following Government COVID guidance, our building and this exhibition closed. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Two exhibitions showcasing the work of City Arts’ Young Producers group. Each year, in November, the Young Producers take over the City Arts’ building. They put on an exhibition in The Window Gallery at City Arts, and run a series of events. The theme for this year’s takeover is (un) rest.
(un) rest
Disturbance, turmoil, disorder, chaos, anarchy, rebellion and uproar. These are words that describe (un) rest. Have you ever experienced these feelings, before obtaining peace, serenity and harmony?
City Arts’ Young Producers invite you to explore the concept of (un) rest through the power of art. The work represents the triumph of overcoming a period of unrestfulness. Watch the exhibition evolve over time in our window gallery. The exhibition’s exploration of rebellion is a continuation of the work they did for their Our Place project.
Our Place
Inspired by ‘Our World’ – the first live, global TV broadcast – Chesterfield-based Junction Arts commissioned 7 projects in 7 communities across 4 counties. Each project made new artwork that is representative of ‘place’. Director Chris Bevan captured and combined these projects into a feature length film. It was which was broadcast online in September 2021.
The Young Producers worked on City Arts’ contribution to the project. They collaborated with filmmakers Luke Radford and Toby Curson. Together they made 6 short films that capture the vibe, personality and rebellious nature of Nottingham.
Find out about the project in our window exhibition.