
My Voice! My Place!

Project dates: October 2023 - April 2024

Exploring local identity and celebrating Carlton, Nottingham

A panoramic view of a suburban landscape in Carlton, England, overlaid with the white, translucent text 'my voice my place'. The image shows rows of houses with varying roof designs on a hillside, a green football field in the mid-ground, and leafless trees scattered throughout, against a subdued, overcast sky.

My Voice! My Place! connected the community of Carlton with an artist. Together they designed and worked on a project that set out to change how locals feel about their area. The project is about letting local voices shape perceptions about where they live.

The Residents Panel

Coming together for food and conversation, residents from Jigsaw Homes properties joined other local people to shape a creative project about their area. They chose to work with a filmmaker to produce a short film about Carlton, celebrating its people and places.

The Film

The short film, Carlton, England, captures places, spaces and voices that make up Carlton, Nottinghamshire. Contributors range from Jigsaw Homes residents to local business owners. Carefully collaged together by filmmaker Owen Davies, it is a celebration of the people and places that make Carlton special.

The film was premiered at a special community event in the Richard Herrod Centre in Carlton. Nearly 100 local people attended the premiere.

A diverse audience in a dark auditorium watches a presentation, focused on a brightly lit projection screen displaying an image of a traditional housing estate.
The film premiere at the Richard Herrod Centre

Project Team

