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The sculpture, entitled House for a Gordian Knot, was made by sculptor Ekkehard Altenburger out of Italian Carrara marble and now sits outside the Institute’s headquarters on Triumph Road.
Ekkehard said of the project:
“After some initial sketches, I started to work on a three-dimensional model, which led to the form of a sculpture, which I gave the name ‘House for a Gordian Knot’. The riddle of designing a sculpture for the new Institute of Mental Health building was in the end elegantly resolved and the name naturally grew towards the sculpture. It will also be a reminder for both patients and practitioners to ‘think outside the box’ and this sculpture will hopefully provide a daily inspiration for both patients as well as staff.
“I am absolutely delighted with the result and hope that the sculpture will become an intricate part of the Jubilee Campus and bring a smile and inspiration to those who pass it.”
Ekkehard worked with members of the City Arts’ Thursday Group supporting them to produce work for The Equivalent Self, an exhibition of pieces created from the off-cuts of Ekkehard’s sculpture. The Thursday Group had no previous experience of sculpture before working with Ekkehard and the resulting pieces display great diversity, individual creativity and considerable skill.
The exhibition will run until November 2013.
See photos from the exhibition launch event & sculpture unveiling