
Creating Opportunities, Supporting Wellbeing & Inspiring Neighbourhoods

Date published: 15 Nov 2022

Posted by: Joe Pick

CITY ARTS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 6:45PM, 1 DECEMBER 2022 ONLINE CREATING OPPORTUNITIES SUPPORTING WELLBEING INSPIRING NEIGHBOURHOODS Discover how our socially-engaged projects broke down barriers to reconnect Nottingham communities with art, culture & creativity.

Watch a recording of our Annual General Meeting. Originally broadcast live on 1 December 2022, it is subtitled and BSL Interpreted.

In the wake of a global pandemic, and under the shadow of a cost-of-living crisis, find out how our particular brand of socially-engaged community arts has broken down barriers to reconnect Nottingham communities with art, culture and creativity.

Introduced by City Arts Chair, Michaela Butter MBE, and hosted by our Director Suzannah Bedford. The City Arts team and participants reflect on questions and propositions including:

  • “How can young creatives forge a career in the arts?”
    Creative Producer Alma Solarte-Tobón in conversation with emerging artists who took part in our ELEVATE project, were supported through our Young Producers programme and sat on our ‘Voice Up’ youth panel.
  • “Animating neighbourhoods with high quality art”
    Creative Development Manager Alison Denholm talks about the importance of showcasing great art outside the city centre, as evidence by Hoopla! – our mini-festival for 0-4 year olds.
  • “How can creativity help us survive and thrive in difficult times?”
    Perspectives from participants who took part in City Arts projects during 2022, as well as Panya Banjoko who leads our Blue to Green social prescribing project. Find out about the key role creative expression plays in brightening lives and keeping us well.
Hands making tie-dye textiles
Photo by Chris Denning