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Exhibition: The Equivalent Self
An exhibition of sculptures in Carrara marble has been created by the City Arts’ Thursday Art Group. It will be at the Institute of Mental Health on the University of Nottingham Jubilee Campus. The rock used comes from the renowned Italian mountain where Leonardo da Vinci sourced his marble.
The exhibition opening is on Thursday 13 June at 12.15pm to 1.30pm and will include an informal lunch.
The group produced this body of work under the guidance of Ekkehard Altenburger, a London-based German sculptor. His instruction formed part of a commission through the Institute of Mental Health in Nottingham. Ekkehard’s sculpture represents the experience of mental illness and is situated at the Institute’s entrance. It will also be celebrated at the opening.
The exhibition comprises eight individual stone works created by artists with no previous experience of sculpture. They have been sculpted from the off-cuts of Ekkehards sculpture. The pieces display great diversity, individual creativity and considerable skill.
Please come and enjoy, view and touch.
For further information and feedback about the exhibition you can contact Kate Duncan at kate@city-arts.org.uk or email the Thursday group for details:
Richard: richard.jw@live.co.uk
Wendy: wendywoo8@hotmail.co.uk
Download the programme for the launch event, and a map showing you how to find the Institute, below.