Free Music, Movement and Wellbeing Day

Date published: 17 Oct 2013

Posted by: Joe Pick

Free Workshops: Music, Movement & Wellbeing Day

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Oscar Nottingham have partnered with City Arts to offer a free day of workshops looking at movement and music and how they can have a positive effect on your health and wellbeing.  Read more about the day below.

Date: 16 November 2013

Venue: The Studio Theatre, College Street Centre, College Street, Nottingham, NG1 5AQ

Relaxation and movement with Isabel Jones

10.30am – 12.30pm

During this session you will learn how relaxation and movement can help increase your energy and positivity.

Isabel Jones is director of arts charity Salamanda Tandem, who specialise in creative movement, performance and music with disabled people.

Isabel is also the co-director of Movement 4 Health a company of experienced yoga and wellbeing practitioners.

Drumming with Biant Singh

1.30 – 3.30pm

In this workshop you will explore how drumming and interactive rhythm can help your wellbeing.

Evidence shows that drumming triggers the release of endorphins which energises the mind and body body brings about feeling of wellbeing.

Using different types of drums, Djembes and Tablas, Biant will encorage you and help you find a voice for your drum, teaching you some simple rhythms.

Drumming is a great way to experience the power of Rhythm, to be in the moment and get away from too much thinking. No musical experience is necessary to enjoy and benefit from group drumming

To book your place contact Oscar Nottingham on 0115-9472718 or

Oscar has partnered with City Arts to deliver these workshops for the WHY project funded by the BIG Lottery.