
Natural Dyes, Paper & Jar Lanterns, Pentagon Planters and more with the Young Producers

Date published: 11 May 2020

Posted by: Joe Pick

Lanterns made from jars and paper

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Get some inspiration and motivation from our Young Producers. They’ve been sharing creative activities to do at home on their Instagram account.

Here are last week’s challenges, have a go and post the results with the hashtags #youngproducersnottingham and #isolationcreationchallenge.

Playing with Coloured Card

Creating Natural Dyes – Part 3

Paper & Jar Lanterns

Creating Natural Dyes – Part 4

Pentagon Planter

Poetry Thursday

The group have started showcasing poetry on their Instagram every Thursday. This week’s is “A bus so blue” by Sammy Nour of Some-Antics. Enjoy!


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