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The money was left over from their degree show last year. The students had to raise money in order to fund their degree show, which they did through a number of events around Nottingham City Centre and at the University.
They chose to donate to City Arts because of the connection they shared with the city of Nottingham after three years of study, and because of the creative work done by City Arts.
As creatives ourselves we would love to encourage other young people to get involved with creative projects in general as well as ones which benefit and give off a positive message to local communities.
‘Dough’ was the brand name for all of their fundraising events last year. Check out some of their fantastic work on the ‘Dough’ website.
City Arts is very pleased to have been chosen for this donation, and would like to thank all the students. The money will be put towards our 2013 troupe for Nottingham Caribbean Carnival.