
Our digital audience – take the survey!

Date published: 19 Aug 2020

Posted by: Joe Pick

Digital Audiences Survey

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We are carrying out this survey to better understand who our digital audiences are and how digital audiences are engaging with arts and culture online, more generally. 

The survey should take no longer than five minutes to complete. Your help will allow us to evaluate the impact of our digital work. It will also help us understand how people’s consumption of online arts and culture have been changed by COVID-19. 

Anything you tell us will be kept confidential, is anonymous and will only be used for research purposes. The information you provide will be held by City Arts and The Audience Agency, who are running the survey on our behalf. In compliance with GDPR, your data will be stored securely and will only be used for the purposes it was given. 

Thank you for your time. Keep safe and well.

The City Arts team.