
View Points

Project dates: October 2020 - September 2021

A creative photography course for 14-19 year-old’s in Gedling, Nottinghamshire.

View Points - Be Active, Get Creative, Express Yoursefl

A project designed to promote positive mental and physical health during the pandemic.

Miniature figure pushing a wheel barrow along a leaf
A photograph by a View Points participant

View Points helped young people get out and get active, in a COVID-safe way. It followed months of stay at home orders, remote learning and social distancing. Photography can be a mindful activity and has been shown to boost wellbeing.

View Points is a City Arts’ Express Yourself project.

Activity Packs

Professional photographer Jo Wheeler designed a creative photography course for young people. Each participant received a pack with an activity booklet, props and art materials.

Jo’s booklet contained detailed instructions for a range of experimental photography techniques. It encouraged people to visit two large local parks in Gedling. Young people learnt how to capture great photographs using just their camera phones.

Arts Awards

City Arts provided online Arts Awards mentoring for project participants. Arts Awards inspire young people to grow their arts and leadership talents. Participants attempted a mix of Bronze and Silver level awards.

Dusk skyline with a tree
A photograph by a View Points participant

Beyond practical creative skills, working on their Arts Award allows young people to learn other skill related to ‘the arts’, including curating exhibitions.

Project Team

