
Residence: Introducing bursary award recipient Izzy Hollis

Date published: 21 Jul 2022

Posted by: Joe Pick


Artist Izzy Hollis has been awarded the ‘Wildcard’ bursary as part of City Arts’ RESIDENCE project. Chosen by people representing each of our community curation panels, this bursary supports a high scoring proposal by a disabled and neurodivergent applicant.

Puppet with large goggley eyes
Izzy’s Prototype Puppet

With the support of the bursary, Izzy will create a short puppet show. It will combines her personal experience of a tic disorder with information about Tourette’s and Tics. The show will spread awareness and promote acceptance.

She hopes the work she develops with the support of the bursary will form the basis of a theatre piece that can be toured.

I am so excited to have been offered this bursary. This is an idea I’ve had brewing for years. I finally have a chance to develop and produce it! City Arts have been so supportive of my career as an artist. I am eternally grateful to them.

A scratch version of Izzy’s show will be showcased at City Arts later in the year. ‘Scratch’ is an informal showcase of untested performance ideas.

Izzy Hollis holding the head of a large lion puppet

About the artist

Izzy Hollis is a freelance puppeteer and maker from Nottingham. She has been creating theatre, and performing with puppets, since studying Theatre Design at Nottingham Trent University. Izzy builds puppets in a variety of styles, and puppeteers at shows and events around the country. A large proportion of her work is outdoor theatre and community-based.  

Find out more about RESIDENCE, the other bursary recipients and our community panels.