
Residence: Introducing bursary award recipient Tory Hayward

Date published: 29 Jun 2022

Posted by: Joe Pick


Nottingham artist Tory Hayward has been awarded the St Ann’s & Sneinton Artist bursary as part of City Arts’ RESIDENCE project. Tory was for selected the bursary by a panel of residents from the area.

The bursary will support an artist’s residency at City Arts. For her project ‘100 Eggs for Ukraine‘, Tory will decorate a hundred eggs using a traditional Ukrainian technique. The project is a celebration of Ukrainian culture whilst it is under significant threat.

Two Pysanky-painted eggs in a grain-filled wooden bowl
Hand holding a Pysanky painted egg

Pysanky is an ancient folk art using wax resist and dyes to create intricately decorated eggs. One Ukrainian legend tells that the concept of evil exists as a dreadful cave-dwelling serpent. For every pysanky written, the serpent’s chains tighten, and good triumphs for another year meaning evil cannot roam free in the world. The act of decorating or ‘writing’ each egg is therefore a hopeful act.

I’m delighted to have been granted this opportunity to learn and raise awareness of such a special tradition. I am humbled by the support I’ve received from the Ukrainian community so far. I’m looking forward to sharing these eggs. I hope this project will be a practical and symbolic act of support which our whole community can participate in.

The painted eggs will be exhibited in The Window Gallery at City Arts.

Take part

As well as the hundred eggs Tory will decorate, the local community is invited to participate. In an act of solidarity with Ukraine, you can decorate a paper egg. These crowdsourced creations will provide inspiration and decoration for Tory’s exhibition.

Donate to Ukraine

Tory has set up a fundraiser for those who would like to support this project. All donation will go to the Disasters Emergency Committee Ukraine appeal. Please support the campaign if you are able.

About the artist

Victoria Hayward

Tory Hayward is self-taught printmaker. She has developed a unique style of linocut relief prints, using traditional materials and tools. Tory’s influences included the natural world, Japanese printmaking and the occult. In 2020, her printmaking work was awarded an Arts Council England Developing Your Creative Project (DYCP) award.

Meet the Panel

Each RESIDENCE bursary recipient was selected by a panel exploring a different area of interest. Tory Hayward’s was awarded by a panel representing Sneinton and St Ann’s residents.

Ann Glynn

Ann Glynn

Ann is a Community Ambassador for The Renewal Trust in Sneinton. She was a participant in the Constraint’s Restraints Exhibition at the National Justice Museum. Two of her poems were published in the museum’s virtual exhibition and book. One of which was chosen to be read at Nottingham Poetry Festival 2020.

Janet Rose

Janet Rose

Janet is a dancer, performer and facilitator. She is an engagement and empowerment champion. Janet has worked in Nottingham communities for over 30 years, in various roles supporting people to find their passion. She is Creative Director of When Women Gather, Director of Belly Dance World and Director of Take 1 Studios.

Nick Stez

Nick Stez

A long-time St Ann’s resident, Nick is one of Nottingham’s best-known urban music producers. He has over 25 years of experience in delivering frontline arts-based interventions. Nick is a professional music producer, creative technician, musician and community music engagement practitioner. He was born and raised in Nottingham’s multi-cultural, working-class community.