
Watch ‘Motions of the Park’ – a short film by young people from Gedling

Date published: 9 Sep 2021

Posted by: Joe Pick

Motions of the Park

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Enjoy this short film created by 14-19 year olds from Gedling, Nottinghamshire. The film captures scenes of movement and motion found in Arnot Hill Park, a beautiful, Green Flag Award winning park in Arnold.

To make their film, the young filmmakers worked with artist Graham Elstone. He taught the group how to capture footage with smart phones and iPads.

Watch the premiere at 5:30pm, 14th September 2021.

About the project

The filmmaking project was supported by Active Notts, Nottinghamshire County Council and Gedling Borough Council. It is a City Arts’ Express Yourself project, designed to promote positive mental and physical health to young people in Gelding.

Supported by City Arts, the project participants are working towards a Bronze Arts Award.