

Project dates: December 2021 - July 2023

An international project promoting entrepreneurship to young people entering the arts


Co-financed by the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme, Artployment offers a range of tools and activities to help those supporting young people who are interested in a creative career. The project addresses the problem of underemployment for young artists and creatives.

Led by City Arts, it is a collaboration between four organisations:

  • City Arts (Nottingham) in the UK
  • InterStep in Denmark
  • Misión Rural in Colombia
  • Asociación Jóvenes para Honduras

International Collaborations

Through two international collaborations, Artployment brought together organisations from countries with very different social structures. They are the UK, Denmark, Colombia and Honduras.

Selfie with a group in Honduras. The street, including steps, are decorated with colourful street art.
Project Partners in Cantarranas, Honduras

Visiting Honduras, a small team developed a toolkit that could be used to support any young person with creative ambitions. By identifying similarities between cultures, and sharing expertise, the result is a comprehensive set of workshop lesson plans that are inclusive, relevant across a range of setting, and which don’t succumb to eurocentrism.

A group walk up a street in Bogota, Columbia. The buildings are multi-coloured and there is a lot of street art.
Project Participants in Bogotá, Colombia

Delegates from each of the four participating countries attending a training course in Colombia. They learn how to use the toolkit to teach young people the skills needed to start their journey into art entrepreneurship. City Arts invited members of the East Midlands Participatory Arts Forum to attend this stage. A professional development opportunity for our peers in the East Midlands, we were joined in Colombia by representatives from Junction Arts, People Express and Soft Touch Arts.

The Toolkit

Aimed at youth workers, this publication provides a series of activities that can be run with young people hoping to explore their creative potential. Accessible, clear and flexible, the activities cover subjects including:

  • Branding
  • Finances
  • Return on Investment
  • Networking


Each project partner is offering training on how best to use the toolkit, to local organisations that support young people in their countries. The short courses increase the reach of our resources and will help young people take their first steps into art entrepreneurship.

