Download our free Artployment toolkit in English or Spanish.
Aimed at youth workers, this publication provides a series of tried-and-tested activities that can be run with young people hoping to explore their creative potential. Accessible, clear and flexible, the activities cover subjects including:
- Branding
- Finances
- Return on Investment
- Networking
I now feel confident helping young or new artists look at their business plan and start thinking about their business as a whole, e.g. how to diversify, network, market and plan.
Jemma Burton
Project Co-ordinator, Junction Arts
The Toolkit
You can read the toolkit online using the embedded PDF below.
The toolkit can be downloaded in UK English or Latin American Spanish.
About the Project
Co-financed by the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme, Artployment offers a range of tools and activities to help those supporting young people who are interested in a creative career. The project addresses the problem of underemployment for young artists and creatives.
The toolkit is a collaboration between four organisations:
- City Arts (Nottingham) in the UK
- InterStep in Denmark
- Misión Rural in Colombia
- Asociación Jóvenes para Honduras
These organisations worked together to create a document that can be used to support any young person with creative ambitions. By identifying similarities between cultures, and sharing expertise, the result is a comprehensive set of workshop lesson plans that are inclusive, relevant across a range of settings, and which don’t succumb to eurocentrism.