
What we learned from City Arts’ ELEVATE course…

Date published: 9 Aug 2022

Posted by: Alma Solarte-Tobón

Young artists hold up glasses of champagne

Young creatives who attended our ELEVATE course have shared what they took away from it.

ELEVATE, a collaboration with Broadway’s Near Now, introduced a small group of 18-30 year old participants to people working in a wide range of creative careers. From writing a business plan to building a brand online, participants learned essential skills for starting a creative career. The course taught participants how to apply for funding, and connected them with successful local artists and creative businesses.

Find out what they learned…

Certificate and glasses of water on a table
ELEVATE Celebration Event. Photo by Lamar Francois.

The course showed me that pursuing a creative career is something I am able to do. I have a lot more knowledge and understanding of what that would look like, and how I might achieve it.

I’m more aware of my surroundings as a Nottingham artist. I have a deeper understanding of what opportunities I can take.

Woman talks to a room full of young creatives.
ELEVATE Celebration Event. Photo by Lamar Francois.

The variety of speakers meant I learnt a lot about the different aspects of making a creative living & finding opportunities. It was especially good to ‘pick the brains’ of funding experts.

I was very grateful to be given the chance to reconnect with the Prince’s Trust. It really is helping me grow my business.

Two young creatives clapped by City Arts staff and board.
ELEVATE Celebration Event. Photo by Lamar Francois.

I learned so much about how to approach a creative piece in a more free-flowing way. I was exposed to people who are doing work that is fulfilling, without it being difficult. I have a something to aspire once I am fully supported.

I found out how to have an artistic career, and build up my profile so I can get commissions and exhibitions.

Michaela Butter and Alma Solarte-Tobon award certificate to young creative
ELEVATE Celebration Event. Photo by Lamar Francois.

What next?

Near Now are offering ELEVATE participants the chance to apply for a Prototype Grant. It will support their artistic development, helping them explore an idea for a new project that could help take their creative practice a step further.